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» Fliers
SSD w/ Outpatients, Rockin' Bobcats at The Channel
Original photocopy process flier for the How We Rock release party in November 1984.
SSD w/ Proletariat, 007, Freeze, DYS at Media Workshop
A goliath of a show at Boston's Media Workshop in August 1982. Original photocopy process in tip-top shape.
ST. VITUS w/ Redd Kross, Wurm, Nig Heist, Super Heroines, Nightmare, Up Setters at the Vex
A whole lotta goofin' off at the Vex, August 1983. Original offset litho folded twice but stored flat.
STAINS w/ Why Nut, Jacarandas at 7th & Central
Skid Row Jam (near "Hobo Studios") in February 1982 with the LA's grittiest, the Stains. Name/number written on back (see blue bleed-through).
11" x 17" flier/poster on heavy stock for an October 1981 show with these Austin new wavers. Torn lower right corner.
STATIC at Bookie's Club 870
One of three insane pre-Negative Approach fliers from Static that I have listed. Original offset litho flier from April 1981. Light creasing/staining to right side. Dig the wig on Brannon!
STATIC w/ Heart of Ideals at Coronation Tavern
I can't believe they let 'em across the border. Original offset litho flier from April 1981 for a rare appearance by John Brannon's pre-NA outfit. Excellent condition!
STATIC w/ The Puppets at Vanity Ballroom
Original offset litho flier for an April 1981 show by this legendary pre-Negative Approach act before Brannon sheared the mane! Some rumpling/creasing, mostly noticeable on back.
STICKMEN WITH RAYGUNS w/ Assassins at Metamorphosis
Stickmen have consistently cool flier designs... here's an early one from September 1981. Minty condition. Bobby Soxx forever!
STREETS January 1982 calendar
January 1982 calendar showing a Bad Brains sortie into Boston. Offset litho on half-size (5.5" x 8.5") stock.
Quality artwork for a quality Chi-town band... original photocopy process from June 1981.
SUBHUMANS w/ Avon Calling, Maimed For Life at Indian Center
The UK Subhumans head to Utah and another Indian Center in April 1984. Original photocopy process.
SUBURBS set list
A set list circa 1982 from when The Suburbs played out Bay Area way.
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES w/ No Trend, Second Wind, Cause For Alarm at Space II Arcade
West Coast HC hits DC with some East Coast back-up in August 1983. Original offset litho with "Second Wind" up in Marks-A-Lot.
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES w/ Vandals, Section 8, Sin 34, Caustic Cause, Neighborhood Watch at Sun Valley Sportsman's Hall
Classy offset litho flier for this December 1982 bargain hardcore fest!
SUPER HEROINES w/ Christian Death, Seal of Severence at Anti-Club
Doesn't get much more gothic out LA away! Darkness descends on the Anti-Club in November 1982. Original photocopy process, folded twice but stored flat.
SVDB w/ Power Trip, Battalion of Saints, Legal Weapon, Personal Conflict at the Vex
July 1982 (I think) line-up with a couple bands up from San Diego. Original photocopy process folded three times, stored flat.
SVDB w/ Red Scare, Men In Black at the Orphanage
April 1983 original photocopy process for this North Hollywood show.
SVDB w/ Super Heroines, Rik L. Rik, Stillborn at Oddfellows Temple
October 1982 half-size original photocopy process flier. Fuck scissors... this table edge will do just fine.
SWINGERS at Brighton Bar
Original photocopy process flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley, this one from September 1984.
SWINGERS at Zaffy's Rocks
Original photocopy process flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley, this one from December 1985. Addressed and postmarked on back (see pic).
SYSTEEMI EI TOIMI compilation promo
Original photocopy process 1982 promo flier sent to Mark "The Mutha" Chesley by P. Tuotanto for this comp. featuring Laahaus, Kaaos and Vapaa Paasy. A4-sized stock (~8.25" x 11 3/4"). Pushead artwork!
TARGET VIDEO presents SST, Sleepers, Rank & File, Mutants, Liars
Scarce original offset litho flier for a big SF line-up in May 1978. Folded once but stored flat.
TECHNICOLOUR YAWNS w/ Scratch Acid, Musick, Hickoids at Voltaire's Basement
May 1984 original photocopy process for yet another day o' punk in mid-80s Austin.
TELEFONES w/ Bobby Soxx & the Teenage Queers at Magnolia's
April 1980 flier with the ever-popular Telefones and Dallas' #1 bad boy opening. Original offset litho.
TELEFONES w/ Gator Family at Duke's
New wave two-fer at Duke's, August 1980.
THUNDERTRAIN "Hot For Teacher" promo flier
Oversize 11" x 17" promo flier for Thundertrain's 1976 "Hot For Teacher" 7in. Some general wear including tackholes in all four corners.
Excellent August 1981 flier for this SF show at On Broadway. Original photocopy process folded three times but stored flat.
TOP JIMMY & THE RHYTHM PIGS w/ Clifton Chenier, James Harman Band, Sheiks of Shake at Stardust Ballroom
Top Jimmy... he's the king. Original photocopy process flier for some Cage-On hip shakin' out LA way in September 1981.
TOP JIMMY & THE RHYTHM PIGS w/ X, Phranc at Club 88
Top Jimmy and his many friends hit Club 88, August 1981. Original offset litho flier with light rumpling.
TOUCH & GO fanzine letter
Early 1983 letter from Tesco Vee to Mark "The Mutha" Chesley with details about the upcoming Touch & Go issue (#21) and a reassurance that the Worst EP will get reviewed. On the back of John Kezdy (Effigies) pic.
TOXIC SHOCK w/ Butthole Surfers at Omni
Original photocopy process flier for this great March 1982 line-up in Houston. Designed by David Yow.
TOXIC SHOCK w/ Butthole Surfers at Omni
Original offset litho March 1982 with Austin's legendary Toxic Shock playing in Houston with San Antonio's finest!
TOXIC SHOCK w/ Butthole Surfers at Omni
March 1982 original photocopy process and one of Yow's most twisted fliers! One of at least three fliers made for this Houston show.
TRANSFORMERS w/ In-Kids, Orphan Girls at Berkley High School
High school hardcore in Detroit, January 1982! Original spirit duplicator process (inevitably done during school hours on the school's dime) with tears at top and bottom.
TSOL w/ China White, Red Cross, Symbol Six, Descendents at Bard's Apollo
Hellacious line-up for the Bard's Apollo re-opening in August 1981. Offset litho on ledger size 11" x 17" stock with a chomp outta the lower right corner.
TSOL w/ DOA, Sin 34, Public Nuisance at Devonshire Downs
Original offset litho, half-size (8.5" x 5.5") flier with Shawn Kerri artwork for a solid Northridge line-up, April 1982.
TSOL w/ Poison 13 at Charlie's Liberty Hall
Two-color offset litho 11" x 17" on heavy stock for this June 1985 wing-ding in Dallas!
TSOL w/ Redd Kross, MDC, Code of Honor, Grant & The Geezers at Rollerworks
April 1983 "welcome home" show in Chatsworth with all manner of trouble in attendance. True Sounds of Liberty indeed! Original offset litho with a few notes in pencil on back.
TSOL w/ Toxic Reasons, Fastbacks at Keystone
Killer three-fer in Berkeley in January 1984. Note to Bay Area DJ "Blitzkrieg Bob" on the back (see pic) from someone in the Fastbacks camp.
TUXEDOMOON w/ Minimal Man at Victoria Theatre
Scarce band-made (presumably Patrick Miller) flier for this February 1981. Original photocopy process on yellow stock. Back has an address and some accounting done in ballpoint pen.
TUXEDOMOON w/ Noh Mercy, Pink Section at Deaf Club
An insane original offset litho flier for an insane Deaf Club line-up, February 1979!
TV (VIDEO) PARTY at 621 Bainbridge
BYO benefit with videos of Black Flag, TSOL, Dead Kennedys, ABs, Bad Brains from November 1983 (I think). Original photocopy process.
UK SUBS w/ Iron Cross, Sadistic Exploits, US Chaos at C.E. Center
March 1984 punkfest at Philly's Community Education Center. Original photocopy process on light pink stock.
UK SUBS w/ TSOL, 7 Seconds, Sluglords, Pariah at Olympic Auditorium
The usual never-ending Goldenvoice line-up, this one in March 23. Original photocopy process in excellent condition.
ULTRA VIOLENCE w/ Virus, Krieg Kopf at Squeeze
Quarter-page size (4.25" x 5.5") flier for a 1985 NYHC matinee. Original photocopy process.
UNNATURAL AXE w/ Brain Damage, Count Viglione
Original September 1978 photocopy process flier on legal size (8.5" x 14") stock. Folded once.
URGH! A Music War
Original offset litho promo flier for URGH! A Music War soundtracks for sale in Austin, Texas back in 1981
UXA at A7
Half-size (5.5 x 8.5) for UXA playing all the way on the other coast. Original photocopy process.
UXA w/ MX-80 Sound, Jars at Cloyne Ct.
Awesome 17" x 11" ledger size flier for this May 1979 show in Berkeley. Some toning to edges but overall in nice shape!
VANDALS w/ Detox, Men In Black at 317 N. Ave 50
House party in Highland Park! Original photocopy process from December 1982. #FliersWithMaps
VANDALS w/ GI, Void, Tales of Terror at Wilson Center
Original photocopy process flier for this September 1984 at that DC punk pantheon, Wilson Center. They call it suburbia...
VANDALS w/ Legal Weapon, Unit 3, Red Brigade at Dancing Waters
Original offset litho flier for a Pedro show in June 1982. Delightfully dumb rendering of the band. Lotta rumpling on this one.
VANDALS w/ Sin 34 at The Concert Factory
July 1982 original photocopy process flier for a jizzed-out two-fer at what used to be the Cuckoo's Nest. Folded three times, stored flat.
VELVET MONKEYS w/ 9353 at 9:30 Club
A July 1983 Umbra production at this legendary DC venue!
VELVET MONKEYS w/ RJ8, Chalked Circle at DC Space
Original photocopy process flier for a DC Space show in February 1982. Folded twice, stored flat, with a few tackholes
VEX calendar ~ April 1983
February 1983 multi-show flier from this legendary East LA venue. Staple yanks on the corners. #FliersWithMaps
VEX calendar ~ August 1983
August 1983 calendar for east LA's legendary club, The Vex. Original photocopy process on half-size (8.5" x 5.5") stock.
VEX calendar ~ July 1983 (part I)
July 1983 calendar for east LA's legendary club, The Vex. Original offset litho on half-size (8.5" x 5.5") stock.
VEX calendar ~ July 1983 (part II)
July 1983 calendar for east LA's legendary club, The Vex. Original photocopy process on half-size (8.5" x 5.5") stock.
VEX calendar ~ June 1983
June 1983 calendar for east LA's legendary club, The Vex. Original offset litho on half-size (8.5" x 5.5") stock.
VEX calendar ~ May 1983
May 1983 calendar for east LA's legendary club, The Vex. Original offset litho on half-size (8.5" x 5.5") stock.
VKTMS at the I-Beam
Original March 1981 photocopy process featuring the picture sleeve artwork from "100% White Girl" and an I-Beam flier from the previous month.
VKTMS w/ Red Rockers at Dreamland
August 1981 one-two punch at this short-lived SF venue. Original offset litho on light pink stock.
VOID w/ Outrage, Michael Enkrumah & The Israelites, Underground Soldier, Lionhearts at Lansburghs
Hardcore Reggae Go Go in August 1983. Original photocopy process in nice shape!
VOM ~ Live At Surf City EP full-color 1978 promo flier
Eye popping full-color 1978 original promo flier for Vom's "Live At Surf City" EP. In a class of its own!
VOX POP w/ Meat Puppets at Cathay de Grande
September 1981 original photocopy process flier for a quality two-fer in LA. Show got moved from Tuesday to Wednesday, thus the dayglo correction.
WALL OF VOODOO w/ Almost Anyone at Club Foot
Nice Call of the West themed, two-color silkscreen 11" x 17" for their May 1983 stop in Austin, Texas. First time I've seen this one.
WALL OF VOODOO w/ X at Hong Kong Cafe
Original photocopy process, half-size (5.5 x 8.5) for an early WoV show at the Hong Kong. Both upper corners torn.
Original offset litho manifesto page, likely produced by Dave Dictor for his Austin-American Stainsman fanzine circa 1981. Dogs in the schools sniffin' away my rights!
WEIRDOS at the Whisky
Original offset litho flier for this April 1981 gig with previous owner name written on back. Another fine Weirdos design!
WEIRDOS at the Whisky
Another round of disembodied heads from LA's finest flier artists! Original offset litho flier for this March 1978 gig. Folded once, stored flat.
WEIRDOS w/ Mad Society, Legal Weapon at Starwood
May 1980 three-fer at the Starwood! Original offset litho flier from the collection of Dix Denney (signed on back).
WEIRDOS w/ Plugz, Penetrators, Suburban Lawns at Baces Hall
Swell line-up at Baces Hall. Original offset litho flier for this February 1980 gig. A couple staple holes/tears at center but overall excellent condition.
WEIRDOS w/ Refuzors, Fast Food at The Bird
Super-rare original flier for the weird ones' jaunt to Seattle in September 1978. A stone classic.
WEIRDOS w/ Rubber City Rebels, Girls at Rock Corporation
Interesting line-up down in the Valley for this October 1978 show. Offset litho on 11" x 17" stock. Excellent condition!
WHITE CROSS w/ Heart Attack, Wasted Talent, Ruin, Final Conflect at the Wet Spot
Original offset litho flier for a March 1983 BYO fest in Philly. Light creasing.
WHITE CROSS w/ Kremlin Korps, Fatal Existence, Sudden Impact at C.E. Center
Original photocopy process flier from this March 1984 Philly benefit gig for the Vancouver 5.
WHITE FLAG w/ Obsession, Messanger at the Troubadour
Metal leanings, White Flag style... original offset litho from January 1983. Folded three times, stored flat.
WHITE FLAG w/ Wurm, Mentors at Cathay de Grande
August 1983 dumbness at the Cathay sponsored by Adolph and Ozzy. Folded three times, stored flat, tape residue on back. Lo-fi offset litho original.
WILMA w/ Animal Things, Toiling Midgets, Translator at Sound of Music
Original offset litho flier for an eclectic July 1981 line-up in SF.
WiN RECORDS showcase w/ Half Church, Roomates, Quiet Room, A Happy Death at Keystone SET
Original offset litho flier for a December 1981 show at Berkeley's Keystone plus promo fliers for each band that played. Six fliers in all! This set came from the collection of early Bay Area punk DJ "Blitzkrieg Bob". Each of the additional fliers are original photocopy process on thin, legal size (8.5" x 14") stock, all presumably issued by the WiN Records label with the exception of one amazing letter-size color copy process Quiet Room flier. A beautifully goth time capsule!
Original photocopy process flier for this legendary rural wingding in July 1984.
WRONG VERDICT at The Clubhouse
Original December 1982 photocopy process flier for Deeeeetroit hardcore. Some rumpling and wear with a phone number written on back.
X w/ Flesh Eaters at Abbey Road
A rare, early cornball fave from San Diego! Super early shows for both bands, July 1978. Folded twice but stored flat.
XCENTRIC NOISE promo / insert
A4-sized (~8.25" x 11 3/4") original offset promo flier that was included as an insert to the Raw War (World of Punk compilation cassette in 1983. Folded twice but stored flat. From Mark "The Mutha" Chesley's collection!
YOUR FOOD w/ Nuclear Crayons, Hate From Ignorance, Manray, Bloody Manikin Orchestra at Oscar's Eye
Original photocopy process flier from August 1983 for another Zero Summer production! Folded three times, stored flat.
YOUTH BRIGADE w/ Agression, 7 Seconds, Stretch Marks, Die Kreuzen at the Dungeon
Original photocopy process, half-size (5.5" x 8.5") flier for a five-fer out in Santa Ana, June 1983.
YOUTH BRIGADE w/ Bang Gang, Dicks at the Night Life
September 1983 sees the Stern Brothers show up in Austin with the SF incarnation of the Dicks. Original photocopy process.
YOUTH IN ASIA Pulling Out The Plug promo flier
Original photocopy process flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley, this one from June 1983.
ZACHARY w/ Tito Larriva at China Club
January 1983 date with LA's respected lovelorn advisor with additional input for the Plugz captain. Bonus Zachary advice column included (see pic).
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