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» Fliers
IRON CROSS w/ TMA, Bens, UHH, U.S. Chaos at Menagerie
October 1982 Hardcore Punktober fest in Pensauken, New Jersey! Folded twice, stored flat.
IRON CROSS w/ TMA, Bens, UHH, U.S. Chaos at Menagerie
October 1982 Hardcore Punktober fest in Pensauken, New Jersey! Folded three times, stored flat.
ISM w/ Horror Planet at 9622 Queens Blvd.
From the bowels of Long Island and/or White Castle... original photocopy process May 1985 flier for a show in Rego Park.
Barbara Ivey's calendars are among the best day-by-day time capsules of the early SF punk scene. This is her August 1979 installment that includes the usual rundown of goings-on, collage art and general wisecracking. Double-sided original photocopy process on legal size (8.5" x 14") stock.
IVEY CALENDAR February 1980
Barbara Ivey's calendars are among the best day-by-day time capsules of the early SF punk scene. This is her February 1980 installment that includes the usual rundown of goings-on, collage art and general wisecracking. Double-sided original photocopy process on legal size (8.5" x 14") stock.
IVEY CALENDAR October 1980
Barbara Ivey's calendars are among the best day-by-day time capsules of the early SF punk scene. This is her October 1980 installment that includes the usual rundown of goings-on, collage art and general wisecracking. Double-sided original photocopy process on legal size (8.5" x 14") stock.
JERRY'S KIDS at Transact Theater
Circa 1982 original photocopy process with handwritten time for Austin's incarnation of Jerry's Kids. Tape on four corners but overall in great shape.
JEWS FROM THE VALLEY w/ Jennifer Miro, Carnival of Souls, Nuclear Boys at HJ's
A strange line-up in North Hollywood... original photocopy process from August 1982. Folded twice but stored flat.
JFA w/ Battalion of Saints, Blades, Wayward Caines at Bob's Place
The ol' get-'er-done-quick spirit at work on June 1982 half-size (5.5" x 8.5") flier for some skatin' and slammin'.
JFA w/ Blades, Battalion of Saints at Bob's Place
Totally killer design from Jodie Foster's Army! Original offset litho flier for this June 1982 rail slide into LA. Some creasing and wear.
JFA w/ Blades, Battalion of Saints at Bob's Place
Totally killer design from Jodie Foster's Army! Original offset litho flier for this June 1982 rail slide into LA. Some discoloration at top right.
KNOW w/ Furys at Nugget-A-Go-Go
Gary Valentine's band takes Long Beach in May 1979. Original offset litho on heavy stock. Some toning and light staining along edges.
L-SEVEN at Clutch Cargo's
They didn't play too many shows, and this is the best flier among 'em. Original photocopy process from February 1982. Folded three times (stored flat) with staple holes/tears along edges. Rare!
LAST w/ Go-Go's, Urinals, Cyclones at Gazzarri's
September 1979 four-fer line-up including the first and last performance by the pre-Gun Club outfit, the Cyclones. Original offset litho, ledger size 11" x 17" on heavy yellow stock. Center crease but overall excellent condition. A great piece of LA history!
Legal Weapon set list on custom stationery, almost certainly from July 1985 show at Stardust Ballroom (flier also listed).
LEGAL WEAPON w/ Aggression (sic), Madam Black at Godzilla's
Original offset litho flier for a February 1982 show at the legendary Godzilla's club ("cheap beer, cool bouncers"). Tackholes and moderate wear. Folded three times, stored flat.
LEGAL WEAPON w/ Artistic Decline, Happy, RF7 at Cathay de Grande
July 1983 hang-out at Cathay de Grande!
LEGAL WEAPON w/ Artistic Decline, Happy, RF7 at Cathay de Grande
Another flier for this July 1983 gig. Original photcopy process in all its chalky glory!
LEGAL WEAPON w/ Bomb Squad at Studio D
Legal Weapon stop in Big D on the way December 1982. Original photocopy process in tip-top shape.
LEGAL WEAPON w/ Tex & The Horseheads, Blood On The Saddle, Red Devils at Stardust Ballroom
A Monkrock and Mainline production in July 1985. Band order written on back (see pic).
LEGAL WEAPON w/ Twisted Roots, SWA at Music Machine
A lengthy LA line-up presented by the legendary Zero One Gallery circa 1984. Original offset litho in minty condition.
LEGAL WEAPON w/ Vandals, Unit 3, Red Brigade at Dancing Waters
Original photocopy process flier for a Pedro show just ahead of the Death of Innocence LP, June 1982.
LEGAL WEAPONat Cathay De Grande
Offset litho on yellow stock for this November 1981 (I think) gig. Light creasing at edges.
LEGIONAIRE'S DISEASE w/ Plastic Idols, Egos at Rock Island
Super-rare Halloween 1979 at Houston's most legendary early punk venue. Staple holes in four corners. Offset litho on light yellow 11" x 17" stock. Folded once but stored flat. A rare one!
LENE LOVICH w/ 391, Bruce Woolley at Fab Mab
Original offset litho flier from February 1980 in tip-top shape.
LEWD w/ Channel 3, Mentors, Square Cools at On Broadway
Original photocopy process flier for wild times in San Francisco, August 1982.
LEWD w/ Mentors, Neo Boys, 19x20 at 258 SW Adler
A wicked line-up in Portland, July 1978. Cheapie offset in tip-top shape!
Some nuke wave music in SF in November 1980. Original photocopy process in excellent condition.
LOS OLVIDADOS w/ Whipping Boy, Faction, Executioners at De Anza College Cafeteria
Original offset litho flier for a skate-heavy Cupertino bash in May 1983.
World premiere of Lovedolls Superstar in April 1986 with Redd Kross and the Lovedolls bringing it live. Original photocopy process.
MAD at DJ's
Is it possible this is a different band from Screaming Mad George's outfit? Maybe, but I certainly like to imagine "I Hate Music" blasting at this seminal Dallas punk spot in February 1980. Original offset litho on blue stock. Folded three times but stored flat.
MANIKIN at Brighton Bar
Original photocopy process flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley, this one from April 1985.
MARBLE BAR calendar 1/80
January 1980 show calendar for the Marble Bar in Baltimore!
MARBLE BAR calendar 2/80
February 1980 show calendar for the Marble Bar in Baltimore! Long, closed tear at top center.
MARBLE BAR calendar 3/80
March 1980 show calendar for the Marble Bar in Baltimore!
MARBLE BAR calendar 5/80
May 1980 show calendar for the Marble Bar in Baltimore!
MARBLE BAR calendar 8/80
August 1980 show calendar for the Marble Bar in Baltimore!
MARBLE BAR calendar 9/80
September 1980 show calendar for the Marble Bar in Baltimore!
MARGINAL MAN w/ Fang Jackshit, Defy at Mabuhay Gardens
Mini-flier measuring 4.25" x 5.5" from June 1985. DC comes to SF.
MAU-MAUS w/ Cambridge Apostles at Cathay de Grande
July 1983 (or is it '82?) original photocopy process flier for some shakin' and swingin' at Cathay de Grande!
MAU-MAUS w/ CH3, Minutemen, Caustic Cause at Godzilla's
Another Mike Watt newspaper jumble, this time for a show at Godzillas in March 1982. Some rumpling and an address written on back.
MAU-MAUS w/ Minutemen, CH3, Seditionaries at 105 Park Row
Original photocopy process flier from November 1982. Some light creasing and some notes written on back. #FliersWithMaps
MAU-MAUS w/ Social Distortion, Urban Guerillas, Sin 34, Saccharine Trust, Minutemen at the Vex
Original photocopy process for an endless east LA line-up, July 1983.
MEMBERS at Bookie's
Original August 1980 offset litho flier for a limey sortie into the Motor City.
MENTORS w/ Super Heroines, Up Setters at Club 88
Original offset litho flier for a wild mix in June 1983. Old tape residue on backside corners.
As nobody-cares cheap thrills go, the Metal Moo Cow compilation LP rates on the bang-for-buck scale. If you happen to feel the same way, you'll appreciate this fine 11" x 17" promo poster (makes for a great LP insert, too). Center crease and some moisture buckling.
MIA w/ Wasted Youth, Savage Republic at Olympic Auditorium
August 1985 anti-nuke Alliance For Survival benefit at the Olympic.
MIDDLE CLASS w/ Adolescents at the Vex and P.A.L.
Original offset litho flier for a Los Angeles double two-fer in March 1981. Folded three times but stored flat.
MIDDLE CLASS w/ Tragic Dance, Shadow Minstrels at the Whisky
February 1982 show just ahead of Homeland's release. Some wear-n-tear along left side.
MINIMAL MAN w/ Pink Section at various West Coast venues
Original offset litho mini-flier (8.5" x 4") for a mini-tour through Olympia, Seattle and Vancouver.
MINUTEMEN "So Big Fucking Shit" 12/82 calendar
Another "wordy" Mike Watt flier creation, this time for several shows in December 1982. On the bills are Tragicomedy, DOA, Black Flag, Descendents, Alley Cats, Redd Kross, Psychobud, Circle Jerks, 45 Grave and more! Original offset litho.
MINUTEMEN at Main St. Saloon
First time seeing this one. An original photocopy process flier for their November 1985 show in Lubbock, TX. Sadly, the disastrous van crash would end everything the following month.
MINUTEMEN w/ Anti, Artistic Decline, Descendents at Rock 'n' Roll Orphanage
June 1983 shindig in North Hollywood. "The Ascendents" was the Descendents sans Bill with Modern Warfare's drummer filling in! Original offset litho with some writing and old tape residue on reverse (see pic).
MINUTEMEN w/ Citizen Smith, Ivan Roth at Lhasa Club
May 1983 original offset litho flier. Some rumpling and contact info jotted on back.
MINUTEMEN w/ Lawndale, Brother Awest, World Salivation Ministry at Beyond Baroque
Original photocopy process flier from August 1985 for a show out in Venice. This version on blue stock!
MISSION OF BURMA w/ Outlets, Future Dads, Upstarts, 21-645, Prime Movers at The Channel
Jam-packed February 1982 line-up at Boston's The Channel sponsored by High School Times and WLYN.
MODERN TORTURE w/ Super Heroines, Die Schlaflosen at Anti-Club
An interesting mix at the Anti-Club, December 1982. Original photocopy process on tan stock.
Based on the "Formerly Moderns" notation, I'm guessing this is January 1980 and among the band's earliest gigs. Original photocopy process.
MONITOR w/ NuBeams, Tiki Gods at Nugget-A-Go-Go
Monitor plays Cal State Long Beach on October 11, 1980. Original photocopy process, folded three times but stored flat. Rare!
MUTHA RECORDS HARDCORE BENEFIT w/ Child Abuse, Tyrant, Chronic Sick, Worst, Shrapnel, Fatal Rage
Original offset litho flier from July 1982 for an insane line-up in Asbury Park, NJ. From the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley!
MUTHA RECORDS NIGHT w/ Worst, Fatal Rage, Burnt, Bad Posture, Child Abuse, Public Disturbance at Show Place #1
N.J. not L.A.! A monster October 1983 Mutha showcase! Original photocopy process flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley.
MUTHA RECORDS NIGHT w/ Worst, Fatal Rage, Burnt, Bad Posture, Child Abuse, Public Disturbance at Show Place #2
Come see all your favorite Mutha Records recording artists! A monster October 1983 Mutha showcase! Original offset litho flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley.
MUTHA RECORDS NIGHT w/ Worst, Secret Syde, Beast, Public Disturbance, Send Help, Child Abuse, Burnt at Brighton Bar
A Mutha who's who show in August 1983! Original offset litho flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley.
MUTHA RECORDS NIGHT w/ Worst, Secret Syde, Fatal Rage, Burnt, Child Abuse at Brighton Bar
A Mutha who's who show in December 1983! Original photocopy process flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley.
MUTHA RECORDS NITE w/ Burnt, Lost In Aggression, Glitter Witch, Parasites, Manikin at Brighton Bar #1
Original photocopy process from April 1986. Smaller format (5.5" x 7") flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley!
MUTHA RECORDS NITE w/ Burnt, Lost In Aggression, Glitter Witch, Parasites, Manikin at Brighton Bar #2
Original photocopy process from April 1986. Smaller format (5.5" x 7") flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley!
MUTHA RECORDS VIDEO BENEFIT w/ Child Abuse, Tyrant, Chronic Sick, Worst, Shrapnel, Fatal Rage
Original offset litho flier from August 1982 for a video party reply of a benefit for Mark "The Mutha" Chesley the previous month!
MX-80 SOUND w/ Red Asphalt, Pretensions at Roosevelt
Original photocopy process flier for a SF artpunk extravaganza from February 1980.
NCM w/ Lovejoysat 2818 Elm
A second flier for this May 1982 NCM show in Dallas.
NECK TIE PARTY at Max's Kansas City
Misfit NY outfit best known for their appearance on the Staring Down The Barrel compilation. Original offset litho flier for this March 1981 gig at Max's.
NECROS w/ Crypt Krashers at Mudd Club
Original February 1982 photocopy process flier for a Necros stop in the Big Apple. Note the line-up at Club 57 the following day! From the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley.
NECROS w/ Fate Unknown, Upchuk at Club Stain
Original December 1982 photocopy process flier a dust-up in Toledo! Folded three times but stored flat.
NECROS w/ Meatmen, Bored Youth, Negative Approach at Freezer Theatre
February 1982 hardcore all-star line-up in Detroit! Leading up to the event... anticipation was high, toner was low. Original photocopy process in all its washed-out glory.
NEGATIVE APPROACH w/ Minus at First Unitarian Church
Original photocopy process from June 1984 for a show at what must've been a very open-minded church. Folded once, stored flat.
NEGATIVE APPROACH w/ The Allied, Void at 9:30 Club
Original 1982 photocopy process flier for NA in DC! Folded three times, stored flat.
NEGATIVE APPROACH w/ YDI, Tar Babies, Misguided, Final Conflict at Love Hall
Original photocopy process flier for a Philly stop in June 1983. Folded once, stored flat.
NEO BOYS w/ Fix, Bop Zombies at Long Goodbye
Original offset litho flier for a solid Portland line-up, August 1979. Folded once but stored flat.
NEW ORDER at Austin City Coliseum
Ledger-size (11" x 17) design by Jagmo for this August 1985 stop in Austin. Tackholes in corners and hard-to-see crease in the white space above "Austin City Coliseum".
NEXT at Duke's Royal Coach Inn
1981 original offset litho wit Duke's rubberstamp. Folded twice with staple holes in corners.
NEXT w/ SKP's, Mistakes at Raul's
Leap day three-fer at Austin's own Raul's in February 1980. Small tear at top otherwise nice condition.
NEXT w/ Stiff Kittens, Inserts at Raul's
February 1981: punk rock heart-throbs play Austin's seminal punk club. Offset litho in minty condition.
NIP DRIVERS w/ Powertrip, Sex Sick, Silver Chalice at Cathay de Grande
I'm sure they meant no offense. Original offset litho flier for some March 1981 shock-rock in Hollywood.
NO TREND w/ Marginal Man, Scam, Bang Gang at Oscar's Eye
July 1983 record release party and TV taping! Some old fold creases and staining.
NOMINAL STATE at Sound of Music and Mabuhay Gardens
February 1981 (?) announcing their record and upcoming shows. Original photocopy process folded three times but stored flat.
NORMALS w/ Inserts at Duke's Royal Coach Inn
A wonderfully KBD/Bloodstains line-up in Austin, Texas in February 1980. Original photocopy process with markered additions.
O-LEVELS at Oddfellows Hall
A bit of a mystery in Baltimore... someone fill me in. Presumed to be May 1982 or possibly 1983. Note written on back "Someone pick up Chuck's film". Old tape at corners on backside.
OFFENDERS at Record Exchange
Original photocopy process flier for this Austin in-store celebrating the release of We Must Rebel in December 1983. Some creasing and wear.
OFFENDERS at Record Exchange
Original photocopy process flier for another Offenders record release party at Record Exchange, this time in June 1984.
OFFENDERS w/ Bomb Squad at Night Life
Bomb Squad down from Dallas for this October 1983 show in Austin! Some creasing and minor wear. Original photocopy process.
OFFENDERS w/ Jeffersons, Napalm, FDR at Continental Club
Back from the warzone as evidenced by the bottom of this 11" x 17" flier for this February 1984 matinee.
OFFENDERS w/ Not For Sale, Knuckleheads atThe Beach
An Acid Freakout Benefit circa November 1984 (?) in Austin, Texas. Staple holes/tears in all corners. 11" x 17" stock. A couple of slashes and general wear.
OLD WALDORF calendar and menu 1981
Letter-size June 1981 menu and calendar from this early San Francisco venue. Folded once, as issued.
OVERKILL w/ Angry Samoans, Minutemen, Skinhead Army, Aryan Disgrace at Godzilla's
February 1982 original offset litho flier with a monstrous line-up at Godzilla's!

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Ryan Richardson
P.O. Box 9175
Austin, Texas 78766


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