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» Fliers
DEPROGRAMMER w/ Degenerates at The Island
Double-sided, half-size flier (5.5" x 8.5") for some shows at Houston's best known early punk venue. Other side is Dementia Precox (see pic).
DETONATORS w/ Instigators, Sin 34 at Roxanne's
Original photocopy process flier for another June 1983 show in Arcadia.
DETOX w/ Agression, Immortals at the Vex
Original photocopy process flier for a boozy East LA line-up in May 1983.
DETOX w/ Men In Black, Red Beret at Roxanne's
High-five on the monkey palm for this one featuring the same picture sleeve inspiration found on the Beer Gods EP! Original photocopy process from April 1983.
DI w/ China White, CH3 at Mabuhay Gardens
LA night in SF! Original photocopy process flier for this December 1981 three-fer at the Fab Mab. Some tape pulls and toning to corners.
DICKS w/ Buffalo Gals, Stick Figures at Nite Life
Original photocopy process flier for this April 1983 apparently anxiety ridden get-together.
DICKS w/ Burn Center, Offenders, Disappointed Parents at the Ritz
The Dicks return to Austin hot on the heels of SST releasing Kill From The Heart in June 1983. A classic!
DICKS w/ Droogs, Toxic Shock, Jerry's Kids at Studio 29
Original photocopy process, legal-size (8.5" x 14") flier for this November 1981 line-up. Artwork by Black Humor Posterz. Folded twice with general wear.
DILS at Deaf Club
Original offset litho flier for this March 1979 show at SF's legendary Deaf Club! Why an African nation's name is stamped on the flier, I do not know.
DILS w/ Blowup at the Masque
Super-rare January 1979 flier for a show at the second Masque location. Original photocopy process with staple holes/tears in each corner.
DILS w/ Middle Class, Zeros at Baces Hall
A punk rock trident of justice at an unusually political April 1980 LA gig benefit show for Houston's Moody Park 3. Double-sided (see pic), folded twice, sored flat.
DISCHORDS w/ Sin 34,Lost Cause, Convictedat Dancing Waters
Original photocopy process flier on half-size (5.5" x 8.5") stock for some June 1982 last-day-of-school Pedro thrashin' featuring Serena Dank of Parents of Punkers fame!
DOA w/ TSOL, Los Creamators at Goleta Valley Community Center
April 1982 for an acronym-laden show out way out in Goleta. Original photocopy process, folded three times but stored flat.
DOA w/ Wurm, Sluglords at Ruthie's Inn
Swell, original photocopy process flier for a Ruthie's show in November 1983. Addressed to Bay Area DJ "Blitzkrieg Bob" and postmarked on reverse (see pic). Some toning/chipping along left edge.
DOGS w/ Hoi Polloi at Mabuhay Gardens
Dogs prime-time in May 1977 for this Psyclone Presents at SF's most legendary venue. Original offset litho on heavy stock.
DRED SCOT w/ Textones, Benders at Blue Lagune + w/ The Enemy, New Critics, Jim Carroll, Ultra-Sheen at Mabuhay Gardens
Original photocopy process mail-out for some July 1980 shows in LA and SF. Original mailing label and stamp on back (see pic). Folded twice for mailing.
DRI w/ Napalm, Happy Death, Dog Breath at De Basement
One-of-a-kind March 1984 half-size flier for a DRI show in Austin. Handwritten in marker. The tidiest handwriting I've ever seen...
September 1980 calendar for the Raul's venue successor in Austin, Texas. Original photocopy process with some old tape on backside.
EDDIE & THE SUBTITLES w/ Big Wow at La Vida Hot Springs
Leave it to Eddie to conjure this way-out gig in July 1979. Original offset litho flier has a single tackhole at top center.
ELVIS COSTELLO at City Coliseum
Two-color, offset litho 11" x 17" for a July 1982 stop in Austin, Texas. Center crease and some wear at corners.
ESR presents Superman's Girlfriend, Telefones, Control at City Lights
October 1979 flier for a costume ball and gig thrown by Electric Slum Records best known for releasing the Dot Vaeth 45 and the Are We Too Late For The Trend compilation pictured at upper right. Excellent condition.
EXPLOITED w/ UK Subs, Stickmen With Rayguns at Charlie's Liberty Hall
Two-color offset litho 11" x 17" on heavy stock for this May 1985 British Invasion in Dallas! Note the buried lede: Bobby Soxx!
EXPLOSIVES at Symphony Square
11" x 17" flier/poster on heavy stock for a July 1982 show with these Austin powerpoppers.
EXPLOSIVES w/ Joe King Carrasco at Steamboat 1874
11" x 17" flier/poster for the February 1980 record release part for the Push The Button EP.
EXPLOSIVES w/ Private Lives at Club Foot
11" x 17" flier/poster on heavy stock for another record release show, this time in November 1982.
EXPLOSIVES w/ Silhouettes at Le Disque
11" x 14" flier/poster on heavy stock for a trip to San Francisco in September 1980. Some light staining near Buddy's hair.
EXPLOSIVES w/ Swingin' Possums at Bourbon Street
The Explosives out west again, this time out to Mountain View, California in September 1983. 11" x 14" flier/poster on photographic proof stock.
EXTREMES w/ Go-Go's, Weirdos, Johnnys at Club 88
Half-size (5.5" x 8.5") offset litho flier for this October 1979 Los Angeles shindig. Excellent condition!
FADE TO BLACK w/ Our Lady of Pain, Napalm Beach, Thieves Cross at Mabuhay Gardens
Original photocopy process for some goth 'n' death rock out SF way, August 1984. Staple holes and old tape at corners.
FAST w/ Harlot of 42nd Street
August 1975 half-size flier with a notable opening band: The Harlots! A rare one from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley.
FEAR w/ Battalion of Saints, Wasted Youth, Circle One, Secret Hate, Stalag 13, Against at 15006 S. Atlantic
Original offset litho flier from July 1983 for yet another P.U.N.X. production. Light wear, overall excellent condition. #FliersWithMaps
FEAR w/ TSOL, China White, Cheifs, Crowd, Caustic at Bard's Apollo
August 1981 marathon gig at Bard's Apollo in LA. Original photocopy process folded three times (stored flat) with old Uhu (the white version of Blu-Tack) on back.
FEAR w/ TSOL, China White, Crowd, Cheifs, Overkill at Bard's Apollo
A heavy line-up for the grand opening of Bard's Apollo in August 1981. Original photocopy process. Lots of writing/contact info written on back. A rare one! #FliersWithMaps
Original photocopy process, day-before-the-show flier for Chris D and company on the radio in December 1982.
FLESH EATERS w/ Avengers, F-Word, Middle Class at Sokol Hall
Super sick flier for a super sick early LA line-up in May 1978. Original photocopy process on half-size (5.5 x 8.5) stock. Name written on back, minor rumpling. Another Chris D masterpiece!
FLOWER LEPERDS w/ Kent State, Decry at Roxanne's
Original photocopy process flier for this March 1983 get-together at Roxanne's. #FliersWithMaps
FLOWER LEPERDS w/ Kent State, Decry at Roxanne's
Original photocopy process flier for this March 1983 get-together at Roxanne's. #FliersWithMaps
FLOWER LEPERDS w/ Legion at Roxanne's
May 1983 original offset litho flier for this show in Arcadia.
FREEZE w/ Iron Cross, TMA, Ruin at Love Hall
September 1983 hardcore buffet at Philly's Love Hall. Black ink stain at upper right corner.
Presumably the earliest flier for this Norfolk, Virginia hardcore band whose recordings remained unreleased for 30 years until Beach Impediment released 'em. Original photocopy process from 1982. Folded four times, stored flat, bite outta lower right corner.
G.C.M.S. w/ Allied, L.F.R in Pontiac
Summertime hardcore party sponsored by Sleeze Stack and Mr. Clean out in Pontiac, July 1982. Original photocopy process folded three times (stored flat) with some light staining on back.
GANG GREEN at Down Under
Original photocopy process flier for decidedly un-straightedge times in Boston, November 1984.
GANG GREEN Skateboards to Hell PROMO
Original 1985 photocopy process promo flier for the 7in. and a show blank as well! Some staining along bottom and old fold lines.
GANG GREEN w/ Outpatients, Porno Sponges at Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel
Half-size (5.5" x 8.5") original photocopy process flier for this three-fer in Providence.
GANG OF FOUR at Bookie's
Original offset flier for a Detroit stop in May 1980. Excellent condition!
GANG OF FOUR w/ Method Actors at Tower Theatre
Original offset litho flier for their September 1982 stop in Houston, Texas. Tiny bit of wear to right edge but overall excellent condition.
GEARS w/ Terminals, Audio Vidiot + DILS w/ Wall of Voodoo
Another excellent Audio Vidiot (Vidiots) design! Original photocopy process from October 1979. Folded twice, stored flat.
GENOCIDE at Court Tavern
April 1983 fun times in New Brunswick, NJ. Original offset litho flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley!
GENOCIDE at Fast Lane
March 1983 submission in Asbury Park . Original photocopy process flier from the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley!
GERMS w/ Middle Class, Black Flag at Hong Kong Cafe
Impossibly rare Germs flier on a three-fer bill for the ages. It's a wonder the Hong Kong stayed standing. Original photocopy process from September 1979. The only other example I've had for sale had been feasted upon by hungry insects. This one is pristine and has impeccable provenance, too!
GIZMOS w/ Loner, MX-80 Sound at Monroe County Library
Your classic library line-up! April 1977 original offset litho flier for this two-fer in Bloomington.
GOBSHEIT w/ Lesbian Strike Force at Mercury Arts Center
Original offset litho June 1982 classic for this take-no-prisoners aural assault in Long Beach. Some light staining.
GOBSHEIT w/ Lesbian Strike Force at Mercury Arts Center
June 1982 calendar for this Long Beach venue. Note Salvation Army and Godhead, too. Offset litho with hand-corrections. Some spotting and light wear.
GODZILLA'S calendar
Calendar from this short-lived venue that it's either from February 1982 or maybe March. That's my best guess anyway. Original photocopy with old adhesive on back.
Mini-flier for a GI stop in Dallas in August 1983. Measures 4" x 5".
GOVERNMENT ISSUE w/ Assault & Battery, Beaver at Columbia Station
Stabb-designed flier from August 1981. Original photocopy process in tip-top shape.
GOVERNMENT ISSUE w/ Beyond Possession, Uniform Choice, Scared Straight, Grim at Sun Valley Sportsman's Hall
All kindsa hardcore out in Sun Valley, August 1985. Pink staining... someone drank the Kool-Aid? Original offset litho on half-size (5.5" x 8.5" stock).
GOVERNMENT ISSUE w/ Dead Kennedys at GWU
July 1982 original photocopy process flier for a slamfest at George Washington University. Folded three times, stored flat.
GOVERNMENT ISSUE w/ Scream at King Kong's
June 1984 original photocopy process for a show at University of Maryland. Underground Soldier crossed out. Folded three times, stored flat.
GOVERNMENT ISSUE w/ The Mob at Irving Plaza
December 1982 flier for GI playing NYC! Handwritten gig info along left side. Folded three times but stored flat. Original photocopy process.
GOVERNMENT ISSUE w/ Wurm Baby, Media Disease at Oscar's Eye
July 1983 original photocopy process for another Zero Hour summer show!
GRAY MATTER w/ Cereal Killer, Spastic Rats at Diamond Head
Original offset litho flier from January 1984 for some G-town punk rock!
HALF CHURCH w/ Quiet Room, Dynamaton at Keystone
Original color-copy process flier for some September 1981 post-punk in the East Bay.
HALF JAPANESE w/ Jet Boys of NW at Nathan D. Champions
Original offset litho flier from February 1980 in tip-top shape!
Original photocopy process flier for what appears to be a Heather Leather show in Austin in 1985. Or it could be a Poison 13 flier. Whatever the case, that's Chris Gates.
HEATHER LEATHER w/ Cargo Cult, Hickoids at the Ritz
Original photocopy process flier for a rare Austin appearance by San Antonio's metal queens in October 1984.
HOT KLUB calendar ~ February 1982
February 1982 calendar for this legendary Dallas venue with a notable appearance by Gun Club. Some staining and a tally sheet for a Ralphs and Stickmen With Rayguns show on 2/11/82.
HUGH BEAUMONT EXPERIENCE w/ Devices, Tex & The Saddletramps at Studio D
July 1982 original offset litho, half-size flier (5.5" x 8.5") in Dallas. Folded twice, some light rumpling.
HUMAN HANDS w/ Pink Section, Units at Hong Kong Cafe
Excellent Human Hands artwork on this original offset litho July 1979 flier. Folded three times but stored flat. Small bit of paper loss in tackhole at top center.
HUMAN SWITCHBOARD w/ Strat-o-Matiq at Phase III
Cleveland comes to Pittsburgh in October 1978 (not written in on this one). Original photocopy process on texted, dayglo stock!
HUNS at Raul's
Original March 1980 photocopy process fler for the band that kick-started the Austin scene into high gear at the venue that did the same. One of several designs for this well-advertised show!
HUNS at Raul's
Original March 1980 photocopy process fler for the band that kick-started the Austin scene into high gear at the venue that did the same. One of several designs for this well-advertised show!
HUNS at Raul's
Original March 1980 photocopy process fler for the band that kick-started the Austin scene into high gear at the venue that did the same. One of several designs for this well-advertised show!
ICE-9 w/ Products, Neo Boys, Bees at Lewis & Clark College
It's Black Flag day in Portland, but alas nothing to do with Ginn and company. Original offset litho flier from June 1978 featuring KBD legends Ice-9.
IMPERIAL DOGS at Cal State Long Beach
Minty condition original half-size offset litho flier (5.5" x 8.5") for an incredibly early October 1974 gig. You can see the very gig this flier advertises on YouTube. "An evening of sex, violence and public outrage". Un-fucken-real.
April 1985 flier for some Dutch hardcore! Original photocopy process on A4 stock. From the collection of Mark "The Mutha" Chesley.
INSERTS at Inner Sanctum
Record release party for the great Inserts EP! Original photocopy process on orange stock. Big tear on upper right corner.
INSERTS w/ Reactors, Electros at Duke's
Original photocopy process on yellow stock for Duke's circa 1981. Big tear at top.
INSERTS w/ Stains, Ray-Vons at Raul's
Circa 1981 original photocopy process flier for a Raul's gig. Folded once and small corner tear.
IRON CROSS w/ Insurrection at Marvin Center
First version of this flier with correct date and venue switch to Marvin Center. Skulls added, too. Original photocopy process from December 1982. Folded three times, stored flat.
IRON CROSS w/ Insurrection at Mitchell Hall
First version of this flier with hand-corrected date and Mitchell Hall location. Original photocopy process from December 1982. Folded three times, stored flat.
IRON CROSS w/ Killroy, U.S. Chaos at Newton Theater
Original photocopy process flier for some DC boot stompin' in July 1984. Folded three times but stored flat.
IRON CROSS w/ Madhouse at 704 Club
October 1983 original photocopy process for a run to Alexandria. Folded twice, stored flat.
IRON CROSS w/ Null Set at the Chancery
Original photocopy process flier from November 1982. Folded once. Original owner name (a DC fanzine editor) written on back in ballpoint pen.
IRON CROSS w/ Scream, Void, Hate From Ignorance, Trenchmouth at Janelle's
Another shindig at Janelle's, this time in May 1982. Original photocopy process in tip-top condition.
IRON CROSS w/ Second Wind, US Chaos, Kremlin Korps at Fishing Creek Community Center
February 1984 skinhead Sunday shindig. Small tear on right side.
IRON CROSS w/ SSD, Black Market Baby, Void, Capitol Punishment, Artificial Peace at HB Woodlawn
Original photocopy process for this five-point punk plan in January 1983. Old tape residue on corner on backside. A rare one!
IRON CROSS w/ State, Killroy, Nevrose, Malefice, Black Sabbath's Wives at Newton Theater
Original photocopy process flier for some DC boot stompin' in July 1984. The line-up would wind up getting trimmed down (see other flier listed). Old masking tape residue on three edges.

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Ryan Richardson
P.O. Box 9175
Austin, Texas 78766


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